
Anyone else loose like this?

on 2/24/10 12:32 am
 I was banded November and have lost about 21 lbs so far.  I seem to loose 3 - 4 lbs and then don't loose anything for a month of more.  I had one fill December 23rd and go for my next one Friday.  I hope this isn't how my weight loss will be through this whole process. It's kinda annoying. I would love to see even 1/2 lb come off a week.  
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 2/24/10 8:17 am - randolph, NJ
Mine comes off exactly the same way....a few pounds then nothing for a while.  But I have learned to be patient.  I have also found that it is better to not focus on the scale.  I find that i lose more inches in the times that I am not losing weight.  Its like my body loses weight and then my body shape catches up.  I also think it has to do with my monthy cycle. Hope this helps.

on 2/25/10 3:13 am - KY
Hi Shannon, just wondering how much weight you have lost. I noticed you don't have a ticker to show. I had my surgery around the same time you did. I have lost 38 lbs. I am kinda stuck at that number now. Hopeing it will start going down again soon.
on 2/26/10 12:04 am - MI
I had surgery on Sept. 15th and have lost 50 lbs. I too lose a few pounds, then gain a pound, lose nothing, then loost a few pounds. It is frustrating but as long as the scale continues to drop and my health continues to get better (no more high blood pressure or pre-diabetic) I am happy. It look years to get in this shape and I expect it to take time to get back to a healthy weight. Stay focused on the end result and less on the road getting there. You can do this!
MaMa M

on 2/24/10 8:42 am
 yea I'm not alone! 
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 2/25/10 7:47 am - randolph, NJ
I actually think its pretty normal.
Tom C.
on 2/25/10 10:40 am, edited 2/25/10 10:42 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Ahhhhh Nkara, well to the "fun" of weight loss surgery. Stalls are natural part of weight loss. It seems the body “catches on to what we have been doing, and holds onto everything. After a while, the lost restarts and things go well.


However, stalls can also because by eating (a) too much (b) not enough. I know it sounds a little contradictory, and I will try to explain.


Too much: While we need to make sure we hit our protein requirements (60-80 grams, or whatever your Doctor told you), we need to make sure the carbs, calories, etc are “acceptable. Remember, you don’t want to make your 80 grams of protein by eating 4 gallons of ice cream or a starchy carb.


Not enough: Again, make sure you are meeting your daily protein requirements. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WEIGHT LOSS. The body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep itself functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store food.

Remember on this entire journey you will "average" out to 1 - 2 pounds a week. Of course you will lose faster in the beginning, then slow down as you go on. After two years I lost
about 188 pounds, which comes out to AN AVERAGE of 1.81 pounds over 104 weeks. - Of course I've lost more than that in some months, but you get the picture.



Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/26/10 6:03 am
LOl I know the feeling. I have a habit of not eating enough.    
But I'm trying to get better.  I just had a small fill today so let's see if this helps.  I'm officially down 22 lbs.
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


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